Makes 9 donuts
Time: 3.5 hours

The fluffiest brioche-type donut that is great on its own, but also lovely filled with whatever your heart desires. And...ANOTHER recipe to use some of your sourdough discard in?! YES!
150g All-Purpose Flour
50g Sourdough Discard
20g Sugar
3g Instant Dry Yeast
1/4t Vanilla Extract
50g Milk
1 Egg
20g Butter, Room Temp.
Oil for frying
In the mixer with a dough hook attachment, combine all of the ingredients. Mix on low speed for 1 minute. Then mix on medium speed for 6-7 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. You may need to help it away from the bowl and scrape it down off of the dough hook during the mixing process.
Once it is smooth and elastic, scrape all of the dough into a greased bowl and cover. Let ferment at room temperature for approximately an hour and a half -- until doubled in size.
Lightly dust your counter with flour and scoop the dough out onto the counter. Roll it to be about 1cm thick. Using a circle cookie cutter, or a cup (approx 2" in diameter), cut circles. Place your circles of dough onto a baking tray that is lined with parchment and liberally sprayed with non-stick spray. Top with another piece of parchment that has been liberally sprayed as well. If your parchment is not greased, the dough will not release itself when you go to fry the donuts. Cover with a tea towel so that the sides do not dry out. Leave to proof at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours until doubled up in size and very pouffy.
Heat oil to 350F. Carefully lift the top piece of parchment off of your proofed donuts. Using a knife, cut through the parchment that the donuts are sitting on so that each donut is on its own square of parchment. Carefully pick up the parchment island, touching the doughnut as little as possible. Pop into the oil and peel off the piece of parchment. If you grab the donuts themselves to drop in the oil, they will deflate. Fry for 1-2 minutes on each side until deep golden brown. Scoop out and drain for 1 minute on paper towel before tossing in a bowl of sugar. Eat as is, or cool down, poke a hole in the middle and fill with jam, chocolate ganache, pastry cream... the options are endless. Enjoy!

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